General Joseph Aoun, our presidential candidate


The “National Moderation” bloc held, at its headquarters in Saifi, a meeting to discuss developments in the presidential file, attended by its members, MPs Walid Al-Baarini, Muhammad Suleiman, Abdulaziz Al-Samad, Saji’ Attiya, Ahmed Rustom and Ahmed Al-Khair, and issued the following statement at its conclusion:

“Since the beginning of the presidential vacuum, the “National Moderation” bloc has not been part of any alignment or division. Rather, it has always been part of any effort that works to bring viewpoints closer together, and has initiated more than one effort to search for national consensus, as it is the only one capable of electing a president of the republic. By strengthening national partnership, and ensuring a promising start to a new presidential and governmental era, it reassures the Lebanese and unites them on what will lift Lebanon from hell and collapse, and place it On the path to recovery and reconstruction, launching the reform workshop and implementing the “Taif Constitution,” and returning it to the embrace of Arab and international legitimacy, as it has always been.

Since the opportunity for national consensus has appeared on the horizon of the election session scheduled for January 9 of this year, with Arab and international support, and since the title of the opportunity is agreement on the name of the Army Commander, General Joseph Aoun, as he is a national figure who possesses the presidential specifications required for this stage and its current and future challenges, locally and Arably. Internationally, the “National Moderation” bloc announces its support for the election of General Joseph Aoun as President of the Republic, and its keenness to intensify all efforts and endeavors in order to secure Agreeing on his election, and seizing this available opportunity to elect the president, so as not to get lost again in the corridors of bets, options and ambitions that have become clear to everyone, over the course of two years and more, that they are useless, except to keep the presidency of the republic, and with it all constitutional institutions, prisoners of the vacuum and its deadly repercussions that disbelieved. It has the Lebanese.”

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