Hezbollah has two options: their money and what they owe

Imad Marmal wrote in Al-Jumhuriya: The issue of Israeli disdain for the ceasefire agreement was a basic subject of discussion between President Nabih Berri and a delegation from the “Loyalty to the Resistance” bloc headed by MP Mohamed Raad, in his first public appearance a few days ago, where the prevailing reality on the ground in the south was presented, and the attempts to Addressing it through diplomatic means, based on Perry’s deliberations with the Chairman of the Oversight and Oversight Committee, American General Jasper Jeffers, and then with Amos. Hochstein, who met with the President of the Council and participated in the committee meeting, after Tel Aviv “promised” him a withdrawal from Naqoura, in conjunction with his presence there to attend the meeting.

It is clear that the party is carefully studying its options, and measuring the negatives and positives of each of them, away from emotions and emotions, especially with regard to the options of being patient with Israeli violations or responding to them.
The party leadership knows that each of the two possibilities contains opportunities and threats, and includes good and bad things, and therefore it calculates its steps well, because the stage cannot tolerate any incomplete trampling, especially since the party and its environment are still in the process of “recovering” and recovering from the effects of the war.
As for the party’s calculations, the option of patience that it has adopted so far entails the following outcome:
Avoid slipping into any potential trap, consisting of provoking the party to lure it into emotional military action, which the Israeli enemy will use as a pretext to resume its war on the resistance and its environment, in light of a geopolitical change that serves its interest, namely the fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime and the interruption of the Syrian supply line to Hezbollah.
Putting the state, the army, UNIFIL forces, and the Oversight Committee under the microscope, holding them responsible for addressing Israeli violations, and revealing Tel Aviv’s lack of respect for neither Lebanese nor international legitimacy.
Re-establishing the feasibility of the resistance and renewing its legitimacy in light of the challenge facing other alternatives, after some assumed that the recent Israeli aggression ended its field role and the justification for its existence.
Focus on completing the party’s recovery process and its adaptation to the circumstances of the new phase.
Paying the necessary attention to the reconstruction workshop of what was destroyed by the Israeli war, and securing the necessary and urgent requirements for the environment
The babysitter who has been exhausted and needs care on more than one level.
On the other hand, the choice to respond to the Israeli attacks, if they continue, is based, according to Hezbollah’s way of thinking, on the reasons.
The following positive:
We must not neglect the achievements achieved by the steadfastness of the resistance in the field during the confrontations, especially the ground ones, after it became clear that the Israeli side is trying to establish, in light of the ceasefire, field facts that it was unable to impose with excessive fire.
The Israeli side has gone so far in flagrant violations since the agreement was broken, that the party cannot continue
It was overlooked for a long time, especially since it constitutes a challenge to the “pride” of the resistance and puts its entire literature at stake.
Resistance to liberate the occupied Lebanese territory is an established right guaranteed by all humanitarian and international laws, and any operation that the party may carry out inside the Lebanese territories into which the Israeli occupation has penetrated during or after the recent war is legitimate and justified by all standards.
To make the Israeli enemy and internal opponents understand that the party has not been defeated or weakened, so that false assessments do not lead to wrong conclusions on which reckless decisions and actions may be based.
Hezbollah remains concerned with calmly balancing the implications of its taking this or that path, depending on the direction that developments on the ground will take in the coming days, and it will test Hochstein’s pulpit promises on the ground until it builds on what it requires.

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