Veto is one of the people of strife and destruction… and that time has ended


A whirlwind of disapproving responses to the statement of the party’s Coordination and Liaison Unit official, Wafik Safa, identifying the head of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea, as the only candidate who has a “veto” from the party,” and who returned to his old habit of threatening and threatening, forgetting that the time of dominance is over. The time of the heresy of classifying people has gone forever, and his words are no more than the fact that they came from a militia security man who is still arrogant.

The following are the most prominent responses that followed Safa’s statement:

Member of the “Strong Republic” bloc, MP Strida Geagea, wrote on the “X” platform:

To Wafiq Safa:

Where is the sedition of Samir Geagea?

Will your nurturing environment be welcomed in the home of the Lebanese Forces and in its strongholds from Bsharri and Deir al-Ahmar to the rest of the regions of Mount Lebanon?!

Is it Samir Geagea’s idea of ​​destruction, or is it by your control of the country, eliminating investments from it, and damaging its relations with its Arab surroundings, and by your senseless wars that wiped out people and stones in the year 2006 and in the war of support!?

Is Samir Geagea a war project in the country?! The assassination of Rafik Hariri and the other martyrs of the Cedar Revolution is the clear embodiment of the war you declared against the free people of the country!!

Wafiq Safa

Wake up

The time for lifting your vetoes in the face of others has passed.

Look at yourself and touch your hands, knowing very well what you committed against your family and the Lebanese

A final phrase that sums up your situation:

“Those who were ashamed died.”

In turn, MP Razi Al-Hajj, a member of the “Strong Republic” bloc, wrote on the “X” platform:

The hands of the clock will not turn back.. “Wherever you arrive, you will reach it.” What was written has been written, and the time of the state has come, and the time of “threats, intimidation, vetoes, and antics” has passed.​

Member of the “Strong Republic” bloc, MP Elias Al-Khoury, wrote:

As for MP Elie Khoury, he wrote, “A veto from the people of strife and destruction… Samir Geagea, the will of the people for the coming time with the president of a strong republic.”

On the other hand, a member of the “Strong Republic” bloc, Representative Shawqi Al-Dakash, wrote on the “X” platform:

It was so impudent and politically immoral that Wafik Safa dared to accuse Samir Geagea of ​​sedition. Safa and his party are the source of all strife and destruction of the south, the suburbs and the Bekaa for the benefit of Iran and its project. Safa and his party, who brought calamities on Lebanon, invaded its capital, and assassinated the leaders of Lebanon, from Rafik Hariri to all the martyrs of the Cedar Revolution. Safa and his party, who fought with the sword of the deposed dictator. Safa and his party fear Samir Geagea because he is capable of restoring the state’s reputation. Lufiq Safa and his party: “Be ashamed and shut up.” To our Shiite partners who long for a state: Together we will build a strong republic that truly protects and builds

As for the member of the “Strong Republic” bloc, MP Ghiyath Yazbek, he wrote on the “X” platform:

Wafiq, the opposite of Safa, stood over the devastation of the country, proud of the latest symposium of mass destruction signed by his party, and hooted like an owl, refusing to support Samir Geagea, “as if Geagea was waiting for you.” If you are not ashamed of logic and reason, be ashamed of your people whom you lived in the open air and of the Lebanese who embraced you and for whom you destroyed their republic and their homes, four times since 1993, and the rope is on the tractor. Are you not satisfied with death?! .

In response to the party official, Wafiq Safa, the head of the Foreign Relations Authority, former Minister Dr. Richard Koyoumjian, through his account on the X platform: The only veto that the Iranian party has in Lebanon is over the project to establish an actual state. Samir Geagea honors those who believe in the state, identity, sovereignty, diversity and freedom, and you are not one of them, so do not even say his name.

In turn, a member of the Strong Republic Bloc, Representative Ghada Ayoub, responded to the words of the head of the party’s liaison unit, Wafiq Safa, that the only veto for them is over Samir Geagea because it is a project of sedition and destruction in the country. Ayoub wrote on her account on the X platform: Wafiq Safa, be polite! It republished a position by the political writer Marwan Al-Amin, who addressed Wafiq Safa’s arrogance and his position on Geagea.

As for MP Michel Al-Duwaihi, he wrote on the “X” platform: “The time of the veto has ended. This is the time of the state, institutions, and full national sovereignty, and the confinement of weapons to the state alone.”

Al-Duwaihi added: “About a militia security man who is still arrogant and threatening.”​

As for the head of the Lebanese Forces Party’s media and communication apparatus, Charles Jabbour, he wrote, “Wafiq is not to blame for being in the crowd, because he is unaware that Dr. Geagea did not announce his candidacy, unless he seeks to record imaginary victories after the defeats, losses and failures he suffered.”

The most important thing about the presidential elections is that what we said came true, that Baabda Road does not pass through the “party” lane, and other details.

We won.

Jabour continued: Wafiq believes that he can restore the prestige that was buried with Nasrallah, destroyed with the destruction of his party, and ended irrevocably with Iran’s expulsion from Syria.

This monster must be arrested and prosecuted.

The time of surplus power and neighborhood thugs has ended, starting with Wafiq.

He added: One of the signs of the time of devils is that an Iranian faction settling in Lebanon with the force of Iranian terrorism allows itself to impose a veto on a Lebanese presidential candidate, and is not satisfied with that, but insists on falsifying the facts by accusing others of sedition and destruction, while it is a project of sedition moving from its original nest to most of the countries of the region, and a project Constant and permanent destruction.

The destructive project for Lebanon, Hajj Wafik, is the project of Hezbollah, which has destroyed Lebanon time and time again and killed the Lebanese with its losing Iranian wars.

Praise be to God, this destructive project has ended in Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria, and we hope, by God Almighty, that it will end in Iraq, Yemen, and Iran, so that the region will be relieved of this accursed devil.”

As for the Secretary-General of the “Lebanese Forces” Party, Emile Moukarzel, he wrote on the “X” platform: “Veto with caution.”

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