To elect the Army Commander as President of the Republic


The head of the National Orthodox Council, Robert Al-Abyad, regretted “the attack that we see today by a large number of candidates for the position of the Presidency of the Republic who consider themselves qualified for this position, and we do not know who is qualified or unqualified constitutionally or unconstitutionally. It is shameful how the position of the presidency has become open to everyone who holds it.” Lebanese identity for more than ten years, specifically from the Maronite community.”

He added: “Excuse me, candidates, the position of the presidency in Lebanon is not an honorary position suitable for a general director, party leader, businessman, or feudal lord. Some sectarian political parties threaten and impose on the position of the presidency that the president be obedient to their orders and implement their plans and desires. Enough of pride, enough of the fanaticism and imposition of demands. “For the presidency, no one, whoever he is, can gain power over the President of the Republic.”

Al-Abyad called for “the election of the Army Commander, General Joseph Aoun, as he is a man of this stage and believes in the role of national institutions. His role was honorable in the battle of dawn of the outskirts against terrorism, religious extremism and racism, and on October 17, 2019, he maintained the same distance between the army and the demonstrators so that the clash that some had caused would not occur.” He strives for it. He succeeded in his role as army commander, preserving the military institution, the only guarantor of coexistence. Today, the army is doing its part in preserving the south and implementing Resolution 1701. The commander surprised the world when he banned The enemy took any pretext to complete the process of destroying our land.”

He addressed the MPs and President Nabih Berri by saying: “Prepare the way for the resurrection of Lebanon and lift it out of its depression, restore normal life to the people, and elect the army commander as president of the country.”

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