No sect can bear the burden of the Palestinian issue for all Arabs

The Hadara Center for the Development of Islamic Thought organized a dialogue meeting yesterday evening at its headquarters, with the Vice President of the Supreme Shiite Islamic Council, Sheikh Ali Al-Khatib, entitled “Our Vision in Confronting Internal and External Changes.” An elite group of academic, political, media, and cultural figures over sixty participated, and the Center’s hall was crowded with them.

It was a speech by the scholar Al-Khatib, which he began by greeting the attendees on the occasion of the New Year and the birth of the Messenger Jesus, son of Mary, the Lord Christ. He said: After everything that happened during more than a year of confrontation in southern Lebanon with the Israeli enemy, we are in support of Lebanon and the first Arab cause, the Palestinian cause, and if there is anyone He denies the Palestinian issue and believes that the time has come to get rid of it. His calculations are wrong. And to proceed according to circumstances such that our position changes and we side with the tyrannical powers, this is hypocrisy. And I From my patriotic, national, Islamic, humanitarian and religious position, I cannot go along with these positions or accept them. This is a religious position as well as the testimony that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.

He continued: The Palestinian issue is a humanitarian, national, Lebanese and religious issue, not a sectarian position. Sects and sects are only one of the blessings of this East. Taking the national, humanitarian and religious issue to the sectarian issue is a conspiracy against Lebanon, the Arabs, the Palestinian issue, the Islamic world and humanity, and it is a malicious policy intended. Exposing the Palestinian issue, so that the Palestinians stand alone, the Lebanese alone, and the Arabs alone, so that Lebanon will be first, Syria will be first, and Egypt will be first. Etc.. which means separating the sticks to make it easier to break them all.

He added: As for Lebanon, it cannot be immune from the repercussions of the Palestinian issue, and we have seen this firsthand with killing, destruction, displacement and occupation. But we, as Lebanese, must review our policies and our relations with each other. Do the Lebanese want to live together? Yes, what happened in the face of the issue of displacement and the embrace of the displaced by the Lebanese in all regions indicates that the Lebanese want to live together, and they feel that they are one people. Religious and sectarian distinction is not justified, and does not give any privilege in rights and duties. But it is the exploitation of sectarianism and sectarianism and benefiting from the political system that gives this image of the Lebanese as disparate groups. We are concerned with the Palestinian issue, but we are concerned with it as all Arabs and Muslims. No single sect or faction in Lebanon can carry on its back this burden that no one can bear. What happened recently with the Zionist enemy was not a confrontation with five or six million Israelis, but rather a confrontation with five or six million Israelis. With the West and all the West, but unfortunately not all the Arabs were in this confrontation, and indeed not all the Lebanese were on the side of the resistance defending their land. This resistance, which bears the name of a great scholar, Imam al-Sayyid. Musa Al-Sadr, who made every attempt to build a homeland that defends its land and people, and this issue was rejected. We, like all Lebanese, need a state that protects everyone. The sect does not protect the state and the country, but the state protects the sects and the country. We want a state that protects our children. Our children are not cheaper than other people’s children. We want our children to live safely, to learn, and not to abandon their country. It is the absence of the state that We resorted to carrying weapons and defending ourselves and Lebanon. Who left the south to chaos? Who signed the Cairo Agreement? We resorted to weapons to defend Lebanon. The Shiite defense of southern Lebanon was a defense of Lebanon. Our belonging to the same sect to which Iran belongs does not mean that we are abandoning our homeland and our Lebaneseness. Give us someone in the world who stood with the resistance after 1982 other than the Islamic Republic, from the standpoint of confronting injustice and aggression. If there had not been an Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon, would there have been Iranian assistance? ? Why do others see this assistance as a deficiency in the patriotism of those who defend Lebanon’s sovereignty? Until now, the war has not ended and the south is still occupied, while the American is at the Beirut airport and is the one who directs orders to Lebanese politicians and the Lebanese administration. I say this because what is happening at the airport does not happen to all Lebanese. Shiite visitors coming from Iran are being treated inhumanely. . We will not remain silent about this matter, and no one will treat us like an oppressed or defeated person. We fought and paid a heavy price and did not allow the Israelis to advance in our land. We are waiting for the implementation of the ceasefire. We said from day one that America is the opponent and the arbiter. They are besieging a resistance sect in Lebanon, not Hezbollah. A sect that is loyal to its homeland and considers all the Lebanese its people. Lebanon is a final homeland for everyone, and this is our base. We want to build a strong and just state, a state of citizenship in which the Lebanese see their dignity. And if there are those who want and dream of restoring the sect to its previous state and dealing with it as a community, even though they deal with communities better, this does not build a homeland. .

He said: Regarding the Arab situation, we are influenced by the Arab world, which is disjointed. There are three powers in the region: Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Turkey, and we have always called for cooperation and understanding. We also call for Syria to establish a true state, for its people to succeed, and to avoid division and fighting among its forces. We hope that there will be Arab-Islamic cooperation in order to shorten the path, protect our people and our land, and preserve On our dignity.

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