Kyiv wants the European Union to stop helping Ukrainian refugees

The Ukrainian authorities asked European Union countries to stop providing support to Ukrainian refugees, and to deprive men of military service age of consular services on their territory.

This came according to what was reported by the Spanish newspaper “País”, which continued that Kiev is considering taking any measures to solve its demographic crisis, and “calls on the member states of the European Union to stop aid to refugees as a measure to put pressure on them, and to prevent men of military service age from obtaining consular services.” “.

The newspaper refers to the “dual citizenship” law that was adopted by the Ukrainian Parliament in the first reading, and which “Pace” confirms is among Kiev’s attempts to return migrants.

The sociologist at the Ukrainian Razumkov Center, Olga Pichulina, said in an interview with “Pace” that the demographic situation in Ukraine represents a major problem, and according to her, the newly established Ukrainian Ministry of Unity must stimulate the return of citizens who left, but it is not yet clear how to implement it. this.

The newspaper quoted Picciolina as saying: “How? “No one knows, and there are no mechanisms for this return yet.”

It is also noted that for the return of refugees, it is necessary to create certain conditions, some of which cannot be guaranteed in the current conflict. Ukrainians need security, economic and social opportunities. The newspaper notes that immigrants also want to see a high-quality education and health care system.

Since the end of February 2022, about 6.7 million Ukrainians have left the country, while the United Nations reported that some areas were evacuated of population, young people left, and most of the elderly remained. At the end of last October, Director of the Ukrainian Institute of Demographic and Social Research, Ella Libanova, expected a decline in the population in Ukraine due to the large number of elderly residents and the low birth rate. According to her, until the “miraculous” return of people who left the country, there will be no possibility to save the situation.

Outgoing Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, against the backdrop of personnel shortages and ongoing comprehensive mobilization, had asked the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Alexander Sirsky, to take a different approach to mobilizing and rotating the army in order to include nearly a million people who did not fight on the front.

The martial law regime has been in effect in Ukraine since February 24, 2022, and the next day Zelensky signed the General Mobilization Decree, according to which men between the ages of 18 and 60 are prohibited from leaving Ukraine during the martial law period. In October, Time magazine, citing one of Zelensky’s aides, reported that the ranks of Ukrainian forces had become so small that military registration and enlistment offices were forced to recruit people with an average age of 43 years. The New York Times reported earlier that Ukraine is seeking to recruit more women into the army, indicating heavy losses in the Ukrainian armed forces. (Russia Today)

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