ISIS strikes again.. What are the reasons for the return of terrorism?

The Sky News website reported that after years of declining terrorist acts following ISIS’s loss of its strongholds in Syria and Iraq, the organization has once again returned to the forefront of the global terrorism scene after carrying out several strikes in Europe, Asia and Africa, the most recent of which was the attack on a music hall in Russia.

Hisham Al-Najjar, a researcher on extremist movements, says that ISIS is taking advantage of the unstable conditions around the world and the competition and conflicts between the international axes, that is, the West and America on the one hand and Russia on the other. It is also taking advantage of the competition between France and Russia, which is now occupying its place in the African Sahel countries, to restore To produce itself and become a major player in the equations to gain space to expand and possess influence, weapons, and wealth, and part of the resource cake that external powers and axes compete for.

Al-Najjar adds, ISIS is taking advantage of the current transformations and transitional stages after the military coups in a number of important African countries, the involvement of the armies in the game of politics, and the withdrawal of Western and French forces from the region. Although they did not completely eliminate these extremist and takfiri groups, they were a deterrent. And an obstacle to its expansion, in addition to the deteriorating economic and social situation, which represents a favorable environment for recruitment.”

It indicates that the organization’s carrying out of specific operations in more than one place creates a wide resonance, making the organization’s name strongly present in the media scene, which is what the terrorist organization uses in its propaganda on its platforms.”

West African affairs researcher Charles Asegbo also says that the situation in the Sahel region has become more dangerous after the coups that took place in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, as the border triangle between these three countries recently forms a backdrop for terrorist groups in the region to increase their influence in the region and carry out attacks. Almost daily attacks against government forces and residents in the vicinity of the Tillaberi Triangle.

Asegbo adds that the withdrawal of Western forces from the region affected the intelligence information that the security forces were receiving from their Western counterparts, which made them more capable of confronting these groups and directing strikes at them, but the situation has now become difficult as these countries rely on their weak capabilities.

He identifies several reasons for the spread of terrorism in the region, including the weakness of the security infrastructure in these countries, terrorist organizations’ exploitation of economic conditions and tribal relations to increase their influence, the preoccupation of the armies of these countries with the political leadership following the coups, and terrorists’ knowledge of routes in the vast desert areas. (Sky News)

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