In detail…this is what Mikati’s office revealed about a campaign that will be launched against him and the family

The media office of Prime Minister Najib Mikati issued the following statement:

In the context of the systematic campaign against the state of President Najib Mikati, similar to the ongoing campaigns aimed at insulting, slandering, and stirring up media dust, information has reached the state of the president about a large-scale media campaign that will be launched tomorrow in foreign and local media, with the aim of insulting his state and family members.

According to the information, this campaign, which was initiated today with “press questions” received by his state office, stems from the fact that two associations in France filed a lawsuit against the Prime Minister and his family members “on charges of illicit enrichment and money laundering.”

The President’s State and members of his family express, first and foremost, their respect for the right of any individual or entity to resort to the judiciary. However, to date, the family has not received any complaint, whether through the competent judicial authorities or the family’s legal agents, regarding the allegations that are being circulated in the media.

Also, the circulation through some media outlets of the details related to these two complaints that were supposedly submitted to the French judiciary, before those concerned were informed of them, raises serious and legitimate questions about the intentions behind this step. It seems clear that this plan aims not only to obtain a legal response from the president’s state family and office, but also, and above all, to harm the reputation of his state and his family through deliberate defamation.

The President’s country and his family members have always adhered to the applicable laws, and no one among the family members or the group of family companies has been convicted in any judicial file, whether in Lebanon or anywhere else in the world. This established fact confirms the family’s commitment to legal principles and integrity in all its work.

It is important to note in this context that on February 3, 2022, the first investigating judge in Beirut dismissed the lawsuit filed against the family in the file of bank loans obtained by members of the family as well as other Lebanese, and in August 2023, the Monaco court also dropped the charges. “Illicit enrichment and money laundering,” which was submitted at the behest of parties inside Lebanon due to insufficient evidence, refuted the allegations against the Mikati family.

The President confirms that what the family owns as a result of the business of its commercial companies that go back many years is characterized by complete transparency and adherence to applicable laws and the highest ethical principles. Its main field of work, the communications sector, is a good example of this commitment.

The family companies, like other investors, applied to participate in public offerings in the leading financial markets, especially on the London Stock Exchange, and were then sold to the international group MTN, which confirms the value and strength of the family’s global business commitments.
The President and his family members have initiated judicial procedures in foreign and Lebanese courts to confront this malicious campaign and expose those involved in it and its financiers.

The family will also not allow its reputation and the reputation of the President, who leads the executive authority at the most critical stage in Lebanon’s history, to be undermined. It will prosecute all those involved in this campaign in Lebanon and outside Lebanon, and confirms that any direct or indirect involvement in this campaign will expose its owner to judicial prosecution.” .


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