After the warm wave, prepare for rain, lightning, and hail

Weather conditions in Lebanon and the region for Tuesday and Wednesday, April 2 and 3, 2024

A report by Father Eli Khneisser, a specialist in meteorology and climatology in Boston

The sunny and warm weather will continue until next Saturday, as warm tropical masses expand from the Sahara Desert towards central Europe, Turkey, Greece, and the eastern basin of the Mediterranean. Temperatures will reach their peak today, Tuesday, with 28 degrees on the coast, 27 in the valleys, and 25 in the mountains during the noon hours.

The air pressure values ​​will decrease on Saturday evening over the region due to the control of the Red Sea depression over the north of the Arabian Peninsula, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria, which will contribute to the deflection of the air depression towards Lebanon and the coast of Syria, carrying with it heavy rains, lightning bolts and heavy hailstones, the effect of which will begin gradually next Sunday evening. On Monday morning, with a noticeable drop in temperatures of 5 degrees on the coast and 10 degrees in the Bekaa and mountains, the winter is not over yet, as the April rains will revive the heart of the farms as they return to the region.

Tuesday’s weather is sunny and warm

Wednesday’s weather is sunny and warm, with a slight drop in temperature.

Until now, it seems that hailstones will be heavy in several Lebanese regions.

Temperature on the coast: 28 during the day and 18 at night

In the Bekaa: 27 days and 14 nights

On the mountains 1200 metres: 25 during the day and 13 at night

On the mountains 2000 metres: 18 during the day and 08 at night

Winds: south-easterly in Bekaa and north-easterly on the coast, at speeds between 15 and 20 km per hour.

Atmospheric pressure: 1014

Humidity: 70%

Sea condition: little waves

Water temperature 21 degrees.


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