The court continues in the case of the Valencia star

He was arrested with a friend on charges of sexual assault on two young men

The investigation court of Lyria (Spain) continues to take the statements of the witnesses in the case of Rafa Mir, the star of the Valencia team, who was arrested with a friend on charges of sexual assault on two young men, 21 and 25 years old.
The events took place in the chalet, in which the attacker, who is currently going through a conditional release, lives with the withdrawal of his passport.
During the investigation, many people, including private security forces, were heard where the player’s house is located, and they confirmed the account of one of the victims about sexual communication.
The player’s defense focused on trying to prove that the two guards presented two different copies, and that they had never talked about sexual assault in the first statement.
However, the judge’s security forces explained that they heard one of the two victims saying, “What do you mean that nothing happened? He put his fingers inside me, ”but they did not say this in the initial investigation, but rather they were not interested in what happened, and they told the judge that they consider the“ slight situation ”and“ a secondary issue ”.

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