The largest piracy process in the history of digital currencies .. This is how North Korea seized more than one billion dollars

A billion and a half billion dollars is the outcome of the theft of international experts, the “largest in the history of encrypted currencies”, which was the victim of the “Bybit” platform, where the US FBI, on Wednesday, accused North Korea of ​​being behind the theft, in the largest looting of its kind in the history of digital assets.

The FBI said in a statement that North Korea “is responsible for stealing approximately $ 1.5 billion of virtual assets from the encrypted currency exchange, Pepte.”

The BYBIT platform, one of the largest digital currency trading platforms, was subjected to a huge security penetration that steal $ 1.5 billion of ethereum symbols, making it the largest piracy in the history of encrypted currency industry.

The penetration occurred when the money transfer process was manipulated from the cold wallet to a hot portfolio, which allowed the attackers to control the cold portfolio and steal the assets stored there.

400,000 Ethereum currencies were stolen from the BYBIT, which is supposed to be safer than the hot portfolio.

The CEO of the platform between Zu confirmed that the penetration was unprecedented, noting that the BYBIT platform will compensate users for any non -refundable losses.

The “Antiles” group, which specializes in analyzing encrypted transactions, indicated that it follows about $ 1.36 billion of stolen money as it moves quickly between several accounts. (Sky News)

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