The 100-day plan… recommendations to reshape America’s policy towards Iran after Trump takes office

Yesterday, Monday, the United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) organization issued a comprehensive plan that includes recommendations to reshape US policy towards Iran during the first 100 days of the new Trump administration’s term.

This non-partisan organization, based in the United States, considered Tehran “a major source of international terrorism and regional destabilization,” and its plan relies on a “comprehensive strategy” for the US government based on four main axes of national power: diplomatic, informational, military, and economic.

“United Against Nuclear Iran” presented the main recommendations as follows:

• Activating the mechanism to re-impose international sanctions through the United Nations.

• Requiring Iran to adhere to the “zero enrichment or reprocessing” policy in its nuclear program.

• Forming a coalition to confront Iran in cooperation with allies and international partners to put pressure on Tehran.

• Confiscating and redirecting Iranian assets to create a “Democracy Fund” to support the Iranian people.

• Implementing specific military strikes against the facilities of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and the Ministry of Intelligence in the event that Tehran harms American citizens.

• Identifying the entire Iranian “ghost fleet,” which evades US sanctions.

• Launching a rewards program for ship captains who pledge not to transport Iranian oil on board their ships.

The goal of the plan

This organization says that “through this comprehensive approach based on national power tools (DIME), it believes that “the next administration can weaken the Iranian regime, while providing space for the Iranian people to achieve their aspirations, and by implementing these recommendations within the first 100 days, the new administration will ensure Imposing a real cost on the Iranian regime as a result of decades of aggression and oppression,” he said.

United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) is a nonpartisan, non-profit organization in the United States that says it seeks to “prevent Iran from achieving its ambition to become a regional superpower that possesses nuclear weapons.” Along with other advocacy campaigns, the organization leads lobbying efforts. Companies to stop doing business with Iran as a way to stop the Iranian government’s nuclear program and its alleged development of nuclear weapons. (Arabic)

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