We hope that it will contribute to accelerating recovery


The United Nations Special Coordinator in Lebanon, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, announced in a statement that she “presented a briefing to the UN Security Council today, with the participation of Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix, as part of closed consultations proposed by France and held by Algeria in its capacity as it currently holds the presidency of the Council.”

She stated in a statement: “I reviewed the positive developments that Lebanon has witnessed in recent weeks,” welcoming “the election of General Joseph Aoun as a new president of Lebanon on the 9th of this month,” hoping that “this will be the launch that Lebanon desperately needs to strengthen institutions and implement vital reforms.” She spoke “The level of violence decreased significantly following the entry into force of the cessation of hostilities on November 27,” noting that “some progress has been achieved with regard to Israel’s withdrawal and the redeployment of the Lebanese army in the south of the country,” while affirming “There is a need to make more efforts in this area.”

She said: “With the passage of two-thirds of the period specified in 60 days, according to the understanding concluded on November 27, we are now entering the final stage, which is the most important.”

It also called on “all parties to invest the available time effectively and reach a clear and common understanding about the current situation and how to manage expectations.”

Noting that “the failure to implement Resolution 1701 after 2006 has only led to a new cycle of violence and destruction,” she stressed “the need to also look beyond the 60-day period to begin in-depth discussions on ways to implement Resolution 1701 this time on both sides of the Blue Line.” And in Lebanon, beyond the banks of the Litani River.”

She considered that “the urgent humanitarian appeal, which was extended to cover the period from January to March 2025, needs major and urgent support.”

She also hoped that “the election of the new president would contribute to accelerating the immediate flow of resources necessary for recovery and reconstruction into Lebanon.”

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