A message from Geagea to Hezbollah…what is in it?

The head of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea, said that Hezbollah’s political project caused the destruction of Lebanon, hoping that the party and the Amal Movement would participate in the new Lebanese government.

In an interview on Al-Hadath TV, on Monday evening, Geagea said that Hezbollah’s statements about attempts at exclusion are incorrect, indicating that the forces have not yet thought about the issue of participation in the Lebanese government, and he added: We sacrificed our interests in order to agree on a prime minister and nominated Nawaf Salam as president to head the council. Ministers before the recent parliamentary elections.

He continued: We preferred the public interest and did not insist on our candidates to head the government, and the Charter and coexistence are terms related to sects, not sects. Also, there is no such thing left as the obstructing third in the work of the Lebanese government.

Geagea stated that there is no longer room for complacency in southern Lebanon, and added: Hezbollah’s weapons cannot be tolerated in order to preserve them and the interests of the Lebanese.

He concluded: Lebanon is no longer a card in Iran’s hand, and the latter’s influence has begun to decline in Iraq.

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