3 options.. This is how sources commented on Loyalty for Resistance, Development and Liberation’s request to postpone the date of consultations

After the Liberation and Development and Loyalty to the Resistance blocs requested to postpone their scheduled date today for the binding parliamentary consultations conducted by the President of the Republic, General Joseph Aoun, to designate a prime minister until tomorrow, informed sources said that the duo’s move could lead to one of three options: The first option is for discussions with the judge. Nawaf Salam, who will return to Beirut this evening from Paris, similar to what happened with the two-hour postponement before the election of President General Joseph Aoun.

As for the second option, it is about not participating in the binding parliamentary consultations, and questions will arise about how the prime minister can be named without the Shiite component.

The third option remains, represented by a white paper, meaning that the two blocs will not name anyone and leave the naming to President Aoun, and this will be a first test for the president as to where he will go with these votes, knowing that the president may not go with these votes anywhere, especially since he does not have to deliver these votes and there is no mailbox.

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