The Ministry of Justice honored Judge Iskander on the occasion of her retirement

The Ministry of Justice honored the Head of the Ministry’s Cases Authority, Judge Helena Iskandar, on the occasion of her referral to retirement upon reaching the legal age, in the presence of the Minister of Justice, Judge Henry Al-Khoury.

Iskandar delivered a speech of thanks in which she summarized her judicial career, in which she said: When I joined the Institute of Judicial Studies in the early eighties, I felt that I had taken the right path. I am a natural judge. I hated disputes and disagreements between people and worked to solve problems without having any experience in this field other than… Good will and desire to bring peace.

She added: I entered the judiciary with determination and steadfastness, as eight candidates, including four girls, succeeded in the competition to enter the institute. The number of female judges did not exceed the number of fingers, and the presence of women was still marginal in state institutions.

She added: My classmates and I continued the third year of study at the Institute of Judicial Studies in France, and we graduated in the French courts, where we graduated in 1985.

She continued: I moved forward, clinging to the word conscience, which I heard often in my family, in my school, and in the environment in which I lived.

In my judicial career, I did not ask for a position, but rather I graduated from a member of the Court of First Instance in Beirut until I was appointed as an advisor on assignment in the Criminal Court in Sidon, which was the first time that a woman held a criminal position. I remained until 1993 in the same court in which four judges were martyred for… The hands of terrorists. May their blood not be in vain, but rather quench and revive the judiciary.

She said: I will not go into an evaluation of myself and my judicial work, but rather leave that to history, stressing that I am retiring with my conscience clear and my heart at peace because I practiced my profession with passion, love, and a longing to achieve the truth.

I concluded by thanking everyone who contributed to the honor, which I consider to be a tribute to every member of the work team. I also thank the honorable audience, and with the launch of the new presidential era, I hope that Lebanon will move to a new phase in which justice, order, and prosperity prevail.

At the conclusion of the tribute, the attendees participated in a cocktail held for the occasion.

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