About the deployment of the army and the entry of the Lebanese into Syria… This is the latest information

The army continues to put the final touches on the logistical procedures for how its units will be deployed in the eastern chain, especially in the areas of Maaraboun, Ham, Tufayl, and Sarghaya-Madaya, after the violent clashes that took place between the army and armed smugglers a few days ago.

The Syrian decision, which prevented the Lebanese from entering Syrian territory except according to specific conditions, did not, in return, prevent Syrians from entering Lebanese territory, as several villages witness the movement of Syrians entering and exiting normally and without any objection by the security services.

The army’s deployment on the eastern chain did not dispel the concerns of the people of the town of Arsal, who are witnessing a more than normal crossing movement through the Zamrani and Martabiyeh crossings towards the villages of Syrian Qalamoun, in addition to smuggling operations from Lebanon to Syrian territory.

However, what is noteworthy is that matters were not limited to this point, but rather reached security information that intersected with other information from within the town indicating the return of armed men from the townspeople from the Syrian governorates who are wanted by the Lebanese security and judicial services. The sources indicate that among those who recorded their return to Arsal were the sons of Mustafa Al-Hujairi, known as Abu Taqiya, and the son of Ali Al-Hujairi, known as Abu Ajaina, the former mayor of Arsal, in addition to others.

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