Holidays and delicious foods.. How can we avoid weight gain?

The holidays are coming, and with them the delicious foods and sweets that characterize this period. Despite the festive atmosphere that brings joy to hearts, many people are concerned about gaining weight as a result of eating large amounts of fatty foods and sweets. But, what are the methods that can be adopted to maintain weight and avoid gaining it during the Eid period?


Nutritionist Antuna-Maria Mutran indicated in an interview with Lebanon 24 that some people tend to skip breakfast and lunch, with the aim of eating dinner during the holiday period. Explaining that this is wrong behavior, because skipping meals leads to feeling extremely hungry in the evening, which prompts the person to eat large amounts of food.
She advised following the One Plate Rule method, meaning that a person fills his plate only once and only eats the foods he wants in moderate quantities. Emphasizing the need to eat slowly and drink plenty of water, which helps to feel full.
Mutran said that you should start eating salad first, because it is rich in fiber, which helps improve digestion faster. After that, they can choose their favorite foods, scan the menu and choose what they want. You can eat a small piece of each item, which helps you enjoy the food without feeling guilty. She added: I always advise people who come to me to eat complete meals that contain protein, fiber, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, which contributes to balanced eating during the holiday.
In response to a question about the appropriate amount that should be consumed, Mutran explained that a specific amount cannot be determined because each person differs in his weight, height, age, and burn rate. But what can be confirmed is that a person should eat until he reaches a comfortable satiety level, which is usually when he feels 80% or 90% full. Because after approximately 10 to 20 minutes, the person will feel completely full, and thus he will avoid feeling uncomfortable if he eats a larger amount than he is accustomed to.
As for dessert, the nutritionist advises that if they want to eat Buche de Noel, there is no need to eat snacks at the same time. They can consider each piece of candy as a substitute for one snack, so they are maintaining their nutritional balance and not deviating too much from their diet.
She pointed out that it is advisable to increase daily movement, even if they do not exercise on this day. For example, they can do activities such as going for walks, dancing, or playing games that involve movement. This way, they will be able to burn excess calories.
Mutran considered it necessary after the Eid period to return to the usual diet. She pointed out the importance of adhering to meals during the Eid day as well, so that food is eaten correctly. This way, you can return to regular eating the next day without having to give up a particular meal or snack to reduce calories. Thus, a person can enjoy the holiday without affecting his or her weight gain after the holiday.
In conclusion, the holidays are an opportunity to celebrate with family and friends, but it is necessary to maintain a healthy nutritional balance during this period. By following these simple tips, you can enjoy all the delicious foods and sweets without worrying about gaining weight.

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