In preparation for the Iranian response… Israel cancels all vacations and activates the jamming system

Today, Thursday, the security system in Israel activated the GPS jamming system throughout the country.

The Israeli Broadcasting Authority said, “The security system activated the GPS jamming system throughout Israel, as part of preparations for the Iranian response and the launching of guided missiles and marches towards Israel.”

It also canceled vacations in all combat units in the Israeli army, in preparation for responding to any Iranian attack. In this regard, the Israeli enemy army said, in a statement on Thursday, that it had stopped granting leave to all combat units amid fears of a possible escalation, after the killing of two Iranian military commanders in Damascus this week, which sparked threats of revenge.

The army added in the statement that it is “in a state of war and that the deployment of forces is subject to continuous evaluation according to needs.”

On Wednesday, Hebrew media reported a state of heightened vigilance in Israel in anticipation of Iran’s possible response to the attack that targeted its consulate in Damascus last Monday.

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