Sudden dizziness in the summer… treatment, causes and first aid

High temperatures during the summer usually cause many annoying health problems that appear suddenly when exposed to hot weather. In light of the high temperatures, many people suffer from some negative health symptoms, most notably dizziness.

The groups most susceptible to feeling this problem are the elderly, pregnant women, newborns, children, and those with chronic diseases, such as heart and lung diseases.

Causes of dizziness in the heat

In an interview with “Lebanon 24”, a public health doctor indicated that “there are many reasons behind feeling dizzy in the summer, including dehydration, high temperatures, and poor ventilation.”

He added: “During the summer, the risk of dehydration increases, because the body loses a large amount of fluids through sweat, and feeling dizzy is a common symptom of dehydration, which may also result from not drinking enough water.”

He says: “Other causes of dizziness include staying for long periods in closed places with poor ventilation, and being exposed to direct high temperatures in the sun. Being in crowded places, such as public transportation, with high temperatures may also lead to dizziness and fatigue.”

How to treat dizziness?

Treating dizziness depends on knowing the main reason behind its occurrence. In most cases, home and medical treatments can help get rid of dizziness.

When dizziness is caused by over-exercising, drinking plenty of fluids can help. If you suffer from frequent bouts of dizziness, follow these tips:

-Sit or lie down immediately when you feel dizzy until the dizziness goes away.

-Do activities that improve balance, such as yoga.

-Avoid driving if you feel dizzy frequently without warning.

-Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco, as using these substances may cause dizziness or make it worse.

-Drink the required amount of water daily, and get the required number of hours of sleep.

-Eat a healthy diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins.

If you suspect that your dizziness is caused by a medication, talk to your doctor about lowering the dose or switching to another medication. Most cases of dizziness go away on their own once the cause is treated. In rare cases, dizziness can be a sign of a serious health problem.

First aid for summer dizziness

If you come across someone who is suffering from dizziness due to the high weather, you should follow the following steps to save him:

– Move the injured person to a well-ventilated place, making sure that his temperature is low.

-Place the injured person on the ground, provided that the surface is cool, to transfer the low temperature directly to the body.

-Offering cold drinks to the injured person to restore his blood pressure to normal and replace the fluids his body has lost.


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