Nasrallah warns of sedition… and this is what he revealed about the problem of the Madi neighborhood in the suburb!

Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said, “Due to the security conditions in the south, no marches were held on the occasion of the commemoration of the tenth of Muharram on Wednesday in the city of Bint Jbeil, Khiyam, or the frontline towns.”

Nasrallah also stated that “the events that were held in Tyre on the tenth of Muharram or in the city of Nabatieh on the 13th of Muharram will not be organized,” adding: “As for the rest of the southern regions, we have left the brothers free to organize the marches according to what they see fit given the security conditions, in coordination with the brothers in the Amal Movement, while Wednesday will be a unified day to commemorate the tenth of Muharram.”

Sayyed Nasrallah’s speech came on Monday evening at the central Ashura council held by Hezbollah at the Sayyed al-Shuhada (PBUH) complex in the southern suburb of Beirut.

The party’s Secretary-General spoke about the incident that took place in the Madi neighborhood in the suburb, which led to the death of party official Samir Qabbani, and said:Two days ago, an unfortunate incident occurred in the Hayy Madi area. The problem was not between the Amal Movement and Hezbollah, but rather occurred between some brothers in the Amal Movement and some people in the area. The martyred brother Samir Qabbani was a friendly brother who had good relations with everyone in the area and intervened to resolve the problem. A shooting occurred, which led to his martyrdom.”

He added: “Therefore, Qabbani is a martyr who performed his duty, carried out his responsibility, and prevented the occurrence of sedition.”

Nasrallah pointed out that “this type of incident used to happen sometimes, and since 1990 until now, similar incidents are almost few,” and added: “We and our brothers in the Amal Movement agree on rules in the event of incidents of this type occurring, that the responsibility for the investigation is the responsibility of the Lebanese army and its intelligence, and we resort to the official judiciary, and whoever bears responsibility for the shooting is handed over to the army intelligence to be tried.”

He continued: “To prevent any sedition, if we are forced to, we will issue a joint statement with our brothers in the Amal Movement.”

He added: “I commend the family of the martyr Qabbani and offer them my condolences, this responsible and struggling brother, and I commend the discipline of the brothers in the Hay Madi area without getting emotional despite the media’s involvement in sedition and mobilization. We and the brothers in the movement were in communication all the time and the investigation is now with the military intelligence and then the shooter will be handed over.”

Nasrallah stressed the “necessity of not exaggerating the incident to prevent sedition as some media outlets are working and want, which we should not respond to,” and continued: “I tell you that sedition is asleep, may God curse whoever awakens it, curse whoever tries to awaken sedition, especially at this stage in light of the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa and the internal circumstances.”

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