Beekeeping…a profession in vain

Ahmed Ezz El-Din wrote in “Al-Anbaa Al-Kuwaiti”: Beekeeping is a profession that has spread in recent decades in the villages and towns of the south, which enjoys a diversity of plants such that it constitutes an essential food for bees and subsequently produces honey that is of high quality according to specialized laboratories. Many have loved it and taken it as a source of livelihood, especially since honey Natural is both food and medicine and does not face any drainage problem, regardless of the quantity.

Beekeepers move bee hives from cold places in the highlands in winter to warmer areas on the coast or in lowland areas, so that they return to their original habitat with the beginning of spring.
The mountainous and forested areas constitute a breeding ground for bee hives, extending from the Hasbaya region in the east to the coast along the border areas.

Beekeepers are among the most affected groups, as they were displaced by the war, and few of them were able to provide a place for bee hives. Those who fled were concerned with keeping their family away from the madness of war, leaving their livelihood and source of livelihood to the unknown, hoping to return to it soon, but it did not occur to them that the war would continue this long. The time has entered its sixth month and the bees are in danger and at risk of death without care or nutrition, especially in the winter.

One of the beekeepers says, “The situation on the border and the displacement has set us back 20 years, and we are at the beginning of the season and we cannot move the hives or reach them.” He added, “I was able to move a limited number of about 35 hives to areas that were less dangerous but not completely safe, but in any case, perhaps the damage to me was less than to others,” noting that during the truce that took place in the month of 11 last year, he saved what could be saved.

Another beekeeper from the border town of Aitaroun, which is subject to raids from time to time, owns 170 hives that were close to the Al-Malikiyah border site, and he could not move them and does not know anything about them. He hopes that the bees in the hives will remain alive even if “expulsion” occurs in all the hives (expulsion at More than one queen is born in one hive, and a portion of the bees leave with the old queen, and thus the number of bees becomes unable to produce honey.

Another beekeeper from the border town of Houla, which is permanently exposed to destruction, said that he does not know what happened to his livelihood, which he had placed near the Al-Abad border site, which is constantly being bombed. He does not know their fate or the fate of his house after he abandoned it, like most of the town’s residents.

These beekeepers hope that the relevant union of which they are members will take action later to secure fair compensation for them.

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